ClustAGE Plot produces a figure showing the distribution of elements clustered by ClustAGE in a circular representation.

Subelement File Upload:

Tip: Files can be dragged and dropped (in most browsers)

Subelement CSV file (_subelements.csv):
Subelement key file (_subelments.key.txt):


Minimum AGE size to represent in the figure
Minimum size of accessory elements to be labeled, in bases. Enter '0' for no labels
Figure height (enter '0' to auto-calculate)
Figure width (enter '0' to auto-calculate)
Internal radius
Genome ring thickness
Bin ring thickness
Show figure legend

Font Options:

Labels Ruler Legend
Font Style
Font Size

Color Options:

Gradient color #1
Gradient color #2
Color genomes by rank
If selected, genomes with the same rank values will be given the same color. Unranked genomes will have different colors.

Bin color #1
Bin color #2

Email Egon with questions or bugs.